桩基础施工中有时难免存在着某种缺陷。本文介绍采用气举清渣、高压旋喷注浆法进行补强加固处理 ,落钻段注浆固结体胶结良好、密实 ,与桩砼及桩底基岩胶结紧密 ,增加了桩体强度 ,达到了补强目的 。
There are often many flaws in the construction of pile foundation. This paper describes the huffing sediment and jet churning to reinforce the flaw pile foundation. As a result of using this technology, the losing drill part will be reconsolidated, the cementation of pile concrete, drill and base rock will be compacted, the intensity of pile will be strengthened, so the goal of reinforce can be completed and the safety of the construction guaranteed.
Safety and Environmental Engineering