By injecting into intact Macrobrachium nipponesis or dropping on its body face progesterone in November could not stimulate ovary development of the prawn. In groups of eyestalk ablation more prawns developed ovaries in more advanced stages than in group of intact prawns In groups where prawns were treated with eyestalk ablation and injecting or dropping of progesterone more ovaries in more developing stages were observed than in group in which the prawns were only treated with progesterone. The results show that hormone in the eyestalk of prawns can inhibit the progesterone effect on the ovary development of M. nipponesis . Progesterone at concentrations of 10-9M and 10-12M only significantly increased the oocyte diameter of ovaries in stages Ⅱand Ⅲ of M. rosenbergii and promoted the syntheses of total protein of the ovaries in the same development stages in vitro. The results indicate that the progesterone effect on the ovary development is stage-specific.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology