From 1990 to 2000, floating population was developing rapidly in Yunnan. Now Yunnan floating population takes 9.1% of total population, its density is 9.1person/km2. Male is more than female in the sex structure of floating population, young people and prime of life people is the most of floating population in the structure of age, floating population from inner of Yunnan is equivalent of that from outer of Yunnan. In the space distribution, it is evidence that taking on remarkable concentricity, obvious difference between town and rural area, east exceed west, more dense in the develop district, frontier district and tourism district than in other district. By correlative analysis of social statistic, there is obvious relativity between space distribution of floating population and economy development level, urbanization level, traffic and location condition. According to the results the article research on genesic mechanism of space structure of floating population.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research