BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE:There was few report about the protection of oral function of micro wave coag ulation in treatment of cancer of floor of the mouth.This study was desig ned to systematically clarify the principle,operation,treatment of the primary cancer and lymph nodes ,efficiency,function of the mouth,complications and indications of the microwave coag ulation in treatment of the cancer of the oral cavity.Based on this,t he sig nificance of the two special meth ods and prevention of bleeding durin g the cause were discussed.METHODS :Ninety-six cases with cancer of oral cavity who were treated with microwave coag ulation were analyzed retrospectiv ely.The survival rates and the recurrent rat es of those with the coag ulated tissu e be resected or unresected,and of the po sitive marg in g roup and the neg ative marg in g roup were compared for analy zing the complications and prevention of them.RESULTS:The difference of the survival rate s of those whose coag ulated tissue patholog ically positive and neg ative was insig nificant (Log Rank =0.70,P=0.4033),and the differences of the recurren t rates of the primary site,secondary site and the uncertain sit e of them were also insig nificant (χ 2 =1.65,0.837,0.003;P=0.684,0.36,0.959).The overall survival rate of the pat ients with neg ative marg in was better than those of with positive marg in(Log Rank =6.08,P=0.0136).However,the difference of the recurrent rates of them was insig nificant (χ 2 =0.327,P=0.567).The total complication rate of 96pa tients was 9.6%and all of them were acceptab le.The complication rate of those wi th the coag ulated tissue be resected wa s lower than that of the unresected(P=0.013).CONCLUSION:Lig ating the tong ue artery,resecting the coag ulated tissue,and packing the wound marg in were effective methods to prevent th e bleeding .The patholog ical result o f the coag ulated tissue could not be u sed to predict the prog nosis.It is best to h old enoug h treatment rang e for micro wave coag ulation.Application of microw ave coag ulation in treatment of cancer of oral cavity has the advantag e of less and s lig ht complications.
Chinese Journal of Cancer
Neoplasm of the oral cavity
Microwa ve coag ulation
Clinical application