本文通过对跨国银行法律性质的界定 ,提出对作为跨国公司特殊形式的跨国银行的监管应依据跨国银行分支机构不同形式的法律特征和地位 ,划分出母国和东道国不同的监管责任。在分析巴塞尔委员会对跨国银行分支机构监管的历史演变和时代发展的基础上 ,结合我国对跨国银行法律监管的现状 ,作者对加入WTO后在我国建立跨国银行分支机构分别监管法律制度提出了相关建议。
With cognizance of legal characters of multinational banks, the thesis thinks the supervision to multinational banks should be divided into the supervision responsibility of home country and hosted country according to their branches' different legal characters and positions. With analyses on the history and development of Basle Concordat and present situation of legal supervision on multinational banks in China, the author states suggestion to establishment of China's legal system of separate supervision on branches of multinational banks after China's accession to the WTO.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law