《旧闻新语》是作者出于高度的社会责任感 ,强烈的爱国心和忧患意识 ,关注现实 ,贴近生活的可喜成果。该书内容丰富 ,题材广泛 ,知识性强 ,融浓郁的诗情和深邃的哲思于一体 ,是一部生动感人 ,轻松活泼、趣味性强、可读性强的散文著作。读者在享受阅读的娱悦 ,领略书中风景的同时 ,与作者一道感悟生活情趣 ,思索人生真谛 ,探问人生的终极追求与目的。
The Past Matters and New Understanding”is the writer's own admirable accomplishment on the basis of high social sense of responsibility,strong patriotism and sadness conciousness,concerning about reality and coming close to life.This is a living,interesting ,readable collecting of prose which combines condensed meaning and deep phylosophy thought with rich contents,wide subjcet matter and much knowledge.Meanwhile enjoying the joy of reading and comprehending the scenery in the book,we can feel life interest,think over the true meaning of life,explore ultimate aim and pursuit along with the writer
Journal of Ezhou University