古典学术自由理念是西方启蒙理性的产物 ,它建基在三大理论支点之上 ,即“意见自由市场”、“价值中立”及“学者是真理的代言人”。然而 ,由于这三大理论预设本身难以自洽 ,故古典学术自由观把学术自由作为一项绝对权利 。
The idea of classical academic freedom is the result of the western enlightened reason, which is based on three theoretical pivot points: “marketplace of idea”, “value neutrality” and “scholars be the agents of truth”. But, because it is very difficult for each of the three theoretical pivots in itself to be self justification, justify itself the notion that academic freedom is looked on as an absolute right, which excludes any sort of social interference, is faulty.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University