交往行为主要是一种相互理解 ,人是具有自然性 (或称动物性 )和文化性的动物 ,也是理性和非理性、自由和自律的动物。教师在师生交往中正确处理好人性的矛盾性 :理解学生但不降低要求 ;树立威信但不乏平等 ;教师对学生理性地保持一定的心理距离 ,加强心灵的沟通 ;把握好“对称”与“补充”的“度”。
Communication action is mainly a kind of mutual understanding. Human beings are creatures of culture and animality,logos and non logos,freedom and self rule. So a teacher should know grasp the contradictions of human nature so that he could communicate with his students correctly. He should understand his students but not debase their requirement, build up his prestige on the base of equality keep them at an arm's length ,grasp the degree of symmetry and supplement.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University