从今年开始 ,我国已正式进行统一司法考试。统一司法考试不仅有利于司法机关选拔精英法律人才 ,而且将成为检验法学教育的标尺。鉴于传统法学教育的培养目标和培养模式已不能适应法制发展的需要 ,因此 ,重新定位我国法学教育的培养目标 。
Standardized judicial test has been officially carried out in our country since this year. It is not only beneficial to the selection of the most qualified personal in the science of law, but also will be the standard in examining the education of the science of law. Therefore, it is quite urgent for us to re orientate the training objective in the education of the science of law because traditional training objective and model are no longer suited to the need of the development of the legal system.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University