高职人才培养模式是高职教育的基本问题。高职的人才培养模式具有多样性、动态性、应用性和实践性等特征。要改变现有的高职人才培养模式 ,就要转变传统的、封闭的人才培养教育理念 ,树立现代教育观念 ,构筑具有高职特色的知识、能力、素质结构 ,加快教材、课程体系的改革和建设 。
The talent training mode is the basic issues of the higher professional education. It has such characteristics as multiplicity, applicability, practicality and progressiveness. We should change the traditional, introspective educational ideas as to build internationalized educational concepts and to create a structure of knowledge, ability and quality;And we should accelerate the reform and construct the major specialties, teaching materials, course program system, and the training of “double functional technician” teacher teams;Also we should construct a quality based talent training mode.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University