学习英语的人常常发现习惯用语较难掌握。许多惯用语产生于人们日常生活中 ,经长期使用逐步定型 ,并得到认可。惯用语的意思不是其组成的各个单词的字面意义的简单总和。在英语教学中对常见惯用语作一些分析 ,不仅可引发学生学习兴趣 ,有助于对这些词语的理解掌握 ,而且同时可使学生从中了解英美文化、历史、民俗等 ,从中领略英美人的智慧与幽默 。
It is hard to master set phrases and expressions the people who are learning English.Many set phrases and expressions are created in daily lives,developed into a fixed pattern and approved by people after being used for a long time.It is not a result of the compositional function of their parts.Some analysis of set phrases and expressions in English Teaching will not only arose students interests and help them understand these set phrases and expressions,but help them learn to understand the English and American culture,history,customs,at the same time,to enjoy the wisedom and humor of the English people.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College