1998年1999年连续对四川6个不同玉米生态区玉米穗腐病进行调查,发病率分别为75%和26 8%。年度波动明显。在发病果穗中镰刀菌性穗病最重要,占57 6%,而其中串珠镰刀菌(Fusariummoniliforme)穗腐和禾谷镰刀菌穗腐(F.graminearum)分别为41 7%和15 9%。除此之外,木霉(Trichodermaspp.)和离蠕孢菌(Bipolarissp.)引起的穗病占据相当比例,分别占病果穗的21 1%和8 8%。用不同方法接种串珠镰刀菌用于抗性测定的结果表明,注射法能较好地诱发病害,接种量容易控制,适宜用作玉米镰刀菌性穗腐抗性测定。用注射法对10个玉米自交系和杂交玉米进行抗性测定,结果没有发现免疫材料,但对两种镰刀菌性穗腐的抗病性均有明显差异。
The ear rots of corn were investigated in the different ecological areas of Sichuan in 1998 and 1999 when the rates were 75% and 268% respectively. Fuarium ear rots were most important, possessing 576% in the total ear rots, in which the rorts caused by F.moniliforme and F.graminearum were 417% and 159% respectively. Trichoderma and Bipolaris ear rots were also relatively severe, the frequences being 211% and 88%. The result of resistance test with F.moniliforme by using 3 different inoculation methods indicated that injection could induce the ear rot of corn at moderate degree, and its quantity of inocunum could be controled easily. The resistance of 10 corn materials against F.moniliforme, including inbreds and their single cross hybrids, were tested by using injection method, no immune materials were found, but there were significant variations of the resistance among corn materials tested.
Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University