资源的优劣势在一定程度上制约着经济的发展速度、规模和水平 ,所以 ,摸清资源的现实情况 (包括资源的数量、质量、可开发和可利用的程度、资源的开发利用状况等 )是进行诸如经济建设、生态环境建设关键所在 ,也是将资源优势转化为经济发展优势的关键所在。基于本地区的资源状况和资源开发利用中存在的问题 ,在实施西部大开发的过程中 。
As natural resources dominate the speed?scale and level of economic development,finding out the real situations(including quantity?quality?exploitable level and development-use conditions of natural resources) is a key factor in the process of economic construction and ecological restoration.It also plays a vital role in transforming resources advantages into economic advantages.Based on the present conditions and problems in developing and using natural resources in this area,and meanwhile with the west development being conducted,the paper proposes some resources strategies to convert resources advantages into economic advantages in the process of economic construction and ecological restoration.
Journal of Xinjiang Normal University(Natural Sciences Edition)
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 0 0 710 0 6)资助