对扫描电镜测量微米级长度的不确定度进行了评定。对引起不确定度性的许多因素 ,如扫描电镜的分辨率、测量的重复性以及标尺的标定误差等作了分析和计算 ,特别对输入变量相关时的合成问题作了研究。最后得到了S 4 2 0
The evaluation of the uncertainty for the micro-scale measurement by SEM is introduced in this paper. The uncertainties induced by many factors, such as the resolution of SEM, the repeatability of measurement, the calibration error of the scale are analyized and calculated in detail. Especially, we research the combination method of the input variables which are correlation each other. Finally, we have obtained the extend uncertainty of micro-scale measurement of the type S-4200 SEM.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)