
抗氧化剂在危重病人营养支持中的应用 被引量:1

Application of antioxidant via nutrition suppourts in critical illness
摘要 由氧自由基 (AOR)介导的氧化应激损伤是严重创伤、休克、脓毒症、重症胰腺炎等危重病的重要病理生理特征之一 ,表现为体内AOR的大量产生以及抗氧化系统功能受损而导致氧化与抗氧化失衡。通过营养支持手段适当补充抗氧化剂 ,以减少危重应激时的过氧化损伤 ,减轻有害或过度的炎症反应已成为危重病救治的重要手段 ,但使用时机、方法、剂量以及安全性、有效性等问题尚未完全阐明 。 Oxidative stress induced injury mediated by active oxygen radicals(AOR) is one of important pathophysiologic characteristics in critical illness such as severe trauma,shock,sepsis and pancreatitis.Large amounts of AOR can be generated and the function of antioxidant system will be severely compromised with the result of an imbalance between oxidative and anti oxidative.Supplementation with anti oxidant via nutrition supports may be an important way to reduce oxidative stress induced injury in critical care.But there are some problems such as the timing,methods,dosage,safety and effectiveness of this regime.
作者 陈尔真
出处 《肠外与肠内营养》 CAS 2003年第1期48-51,共4页 Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition
关键词 危重病 抗氧化剂 营养支持 Critical illness Antioxidant Nutrition support
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