研究了镉与亚硝基R盐及结晶紫的双显色反应 ,表明在稀H2 SO4溶液中 ,形成蓝色的三元配合物 ,εmax=630nm .Cd R CV =1 3 6,ε=6.1× 1 0 4L·mol-1·cm-1.本法测定了齐齐哈尔造纸厂排放的污水中镉的含量 ,回收率为 98.3%~ 1 0 1 .6% .
The paper studied the colouring reaction of cadmium and CrystalViolet-Nitroso R Salt by Spectrophotometry.The experimental result showed that the blue trinary complex has been formed among rare H 2SO 4 solution.The λ max =630nm,CdRCV=136, ε =6.1×10 4L·mol -1 ·cm -1 .And used this way determined cadmium in slopping of Paper Mill,Qiqihar,the recoveries are between 98.3%-101.6%.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University