在我国现阶段 ,高中生作为一个独立的社会群体 ,心理承受着巨大的压力 .学校在重视学习成绩的同时 ,往往忽视学生的生长发育规律 ;家长对孩子的关心也偏重于学习成绩 ,对生长发育期的孩子生理和心理的变化知之甚少 ,这些都加深了高中生的心理矛盾和心理冲突 ,使学生自身心理行为问题增多 ,患有心理疾病的学生人数增加 .这严重影响了学生身心的健康发展 ,影响素质教育目标的实现 .通过对齐齐哈尔 2所重点高中学生高考前心理健康状况调查以及对睡眠时间和参加体育锻炼的调查结果分析 ,探讨开展心理健康教育的必要性 。
At present the seniors as a unique group in our society bear tremendous mental pressure-the school and their parents pay more attention to their grade and overlook their body and mind health. As a result , the number of those with mental desease is increasing. It influences the improvement of mind and body and realization of the quanlity education.It is searched for the necessity of mental health education through a survey from two key senior middle schools.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University