研究了当产业处于规模不经济的情况下 ,差异产品企业兼并的长期效应。结果表明 :在只考虑短期效应时 ,当产品具有较大的差异性时企业存在兼并动机。而在综合考虑长期与短期效应的情况下 ,企业兼并的动机与短期有所不同 ;产品差异程度越高 ,或学习效应越显著时 ,政府会鼓励企业在短期兼并 ,长期跟随兼并 ;而此时 ,兼并企业的范围经济程度相对显著。
This paper studies a study of the long-term effect of differentiated product firms, when the industry is non-economy-of-scale. As this paper indicates: when only consider short-term effects and there are strongly differentiated products, the firms are motivated to merger. When consider short-term and long-term effects together, the motivate of firms to merger is different between long-term and short-term. Government will support firms to merger when there are strongly differentiated products or learning effects. And at this time, mergers have obvious scope economy.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 70 172 0 0 1)