目的 探索人掌短肌形态结构、小鱼际区皮下诸结构与握力强度变化的关系。方法 取成人手3 5只 ,其中肉眼观测 3 0只 ,光、电镜观察 5只。对 3 0 0名大学生进行握拳强度的感觉变化进行观察 ,以握力计对 61名大学生在小鱼际区受压与否时的握力最高值进行统计学处理。结果 小鱼际皮区触觉小体较发达 ,皮下组织深层均有掌短肌存在 ,真皮与掌短肌之间有多个环层小体与血管、神经共存。掌短肌连于掌腱膜与掌尺侧真皮之间 ,且被疏松结缔组织分隔成 3~ 4片 ,以细小红肌纤维构成为主 ,肌节清楚 ,板状嵴线粒体较多。测试小鱼际区受压时握力值明显高于该区不受压时 ,差异显著 (P <0 0 1)。结论 人掌短肌是功能活跃的器官 ,其与真皮之间诸结构 。
Objective To explore the structures of the palmaris brevis and the relationship between hypothenar area and the changes of gripping power. Method 30 hands of adults corpse were observed by the naked eye, 5 hands were observed by light and electron microscope. The gripping power of 361 university students was tested by the squeeze dymameter with the pressure of hypothenar area and not under pressure, the changes of gripping power were processed statistically.Results The Meissners corpuscles were found in hypothenar area. There exists palmaris brevis in the depth of hypodermic tissue. Between the dermis and palmaris brevis there are many pacinian corpuscles together with blood vessels and nerves. Palmaris brevis is connected between palmar aponeurosis and palm ulnar dermis, divided into 3~4 slices by the loose connective tissue, mainly consisting of tiny red muscle fibers. The sarcomere of palmaris brevis is clear and the mitochondria is developed. After testing, we find that the gripping strrength under pressure in hypothenar area is obviously higher than that without pressure in this area. The values of gripping strength are notably different (P<0 01).Conclusion The palmaris brevis is a functionally active organ, the structures between it and dermis contain the sensor of gripping power. [YM5'BZ?=309,S]
Progress of Anatomical Sciences
palmaris brevis
tissue structure
gripping power