目的 :探讨神经性勃起功能障碍 (ED)的诊断方法 ,提高该病的诊断水平。 方法 :对 2 0 1例ED病人分别采取全面采集病史、有针对性的体格检查、国际勃起功能评分表 (IIEF 5 )评分、阴茎海绵体注射 (ICI)试验、阴茎彩色双功能超声、球海绵体肌反射潜伏时间等诊断方法。 结果 :有 173、2 0 1、10 6、5 7、2 7例次ED病人分别接受了上述检查 ,诊断神经性ED 13例 (6 .4 6 % ) ,其他原因和原因不明ED 188例。 结论 :神经性ED较常见 ,采取综合诊断方法 。
s: Objectives: To discuss the diagnostic approaches of neurogenic erectile dysfunction(ED), and to improve the diagnostic efficacy. Methods: Two hundred and one patients with ED were evaluated by physical examination, IIEF 5, intracavernous injection, colour duplex ultrasongraphy and bulbocavernosus reflex latency, respectively. Results: Among those ED patients, 173, 201, 106, 57 and 27 cases had undergone above mentioned examines, 13 neurogenic ED and 188 miscellaneous(and unknown causes) ED were diagnosed. Conclusions: Neurogenic erectile dysfunction is a common disorder, the diagnostic approaches should be based on patient's situation.
National Journal of Andrology