
CSCL系统中的学习效果评估与个性化设计 被引量:5

The Assessment of Learning Outcomes and Personalized Services in Com puter Su pported Collaborative Learning(CSCL)Systems
摘要 本文介绍了计算机支持的协同学习的基本理论及模型,并在此基础上构建了教学评估系统。通过将GSPT概念引入CSCL领域,有效地解决了网络教学效果的评估问题,通过构建双闭环学习评估系统,将学生个体学习效果和整体课程教学效果有机地结合了起来,用PCE和模糊评估法解决评估系统的关键问题。另外,本文还介绍了有关个性化设计的两个模型。 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning(CSCL)is defined as the collabora tive learning engaged in by groups for a common purpose in a computer supported environment.The players in a CSCL model include teachers,students,specialists and administrators.The participants in CSCL can work individually,in pairs,o r in small or large groups.The assessment of online teaching outcomes used to pose a problem.This paper attempts to provide a solution through the integratio n of the framework of General System Performance Theory(GSPT)into the CSCL env ironment.The authors employ a double closed loop system for learning assessment in a single subject.In this system,the controlled variable PCEi (Performanc e Capacity Envelope)has a high level of responsiveness.Whenever students finis h a unit in a subject,they will be evaluated by the assessment sub-system.Th e PCE generator calculates the student's PCEi for that unit,and then feeds the PCEi of n students in the inner loop into the students' PCE databank.Meanwhil e,the follow-ing in formation about tutors is also stored in the databank:th e frequency of tutoring,the effort involved and the time spent.Next,the Teac hing Outcome Analyst Kit processes the tutors' data and the data regarding the PCE of the entire collab orative learning group.The learning outcomes of the subject are thus obtained and teachers can then adjust their teaching methods accordingly with r eference to these benchmarks.Consequently,students also benefit from the proce ss.It should be noted that a student's PCE in a given subject is the sum of the PCEs for each unit.The authors designed two personalized services for the CS CL system.First,there is a Personalized Webpage Ser-vice,which includes a fr ont-end and a back-end system.The front-end system is used for real-time p rocessing and the construction of users' personalized components.The back-end system is for altering the structure of the model used for the front-end real-time processing.The structure is adjusted to match the dynamic changes in the personalized ele-ments.Second,there is a Personalized Bookshelf Service.As digital libraries provide us with a wealth of resources and services,a personal ized bookshelf was designed to help teachers and students prepare for class and learn in class re-spectively.The above system was implemented within the Shang hai Second Military Medical University Multi-Media Distance Teaching System,an d the results have been remarkable.
作者 王真星 吕腾
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2003年第1期48-53,共6页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
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