文章从剖宫产术后伴发腰腿痛病例分析入手 ,认为举证责任倒置就在我们诊疗工作中 ,就在我们协调医患关系的过程中。因此需要在临床实践中去感悟举证责任倒置的深刻含义 ,从而树立证据意识 ,做好证据的收集与保存工作 ,一旦发生诉讼有证为据 ,并由此提出了“医学证据学”的构想 。
The authors of this paper believed that inversion of evidential burden was encountered everywhere in our daily practice as well as in the process of coordinating the relationship between medical professionals and patients, starting with investigating a case of lumbocrural pain following cesarean section. Medical care providers are expected to realize the profound implications behind evidential burden inversions so as to establish awareness of evidence and to do our best at collecting and preserving all the evidence in case of law suit. The characteristics of medical evidence needs to be further studied according to the authors. He also put forward the concept of study subject on medical evidence.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy