医源性疾病和医源性问题在临床并不少见 ,可是医务人员却习惯对此保持缄默 ,我们将之称为“医源性缄默症”。这一现象的普遍存在是有其深刻的背景和众多原因的。文章对“医源性缄默症”的表现形式、发生原因以及解除缄默需要做的工作进行了扼要的分析和讨论。尽管要做的工作有很大难度 ,但是为了提高医疗安全指数 ,从根本上控制医患纠纷不断升级的趋势 。
Iatrogenic disease and problems are not uncommon in clinical practice, but medical staff are accustomed to keeping silent on the event. This is called iatrogenic mutism. There are various reasons and a complicated background for this common phenomenon. In this paper, he authors briefly analyzed and discussed the forms of expression of and causes for the issue, and they put forward the work to be done in order to eliminate mutism. It is extremely difficult to overcome it, but the related administrative departments in charge of medical affaires should take the phenomenon seriously so as to ensure safety in medical services and to control thoroughly the continuous increase of medical disputes.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy