为了充分利用河资源 ,开展了河安全利用课题研究。利用高效液相色谱法和竞争抑制性酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA)方法对安全利用过程中的河毒素进行检测 ,同时引入危害分析和关键控制点 (HACCP)系统 ,对河食品从原料生产到成品的各环节进行危害分析 ,确定关键控制点。制订了原料接收、活鱼暂养、加工去毒、河制作、以及环境卫生的控制标准和措施。结果表明 ,河的分布具有地域差异性。河体内毒素分布很不均匀 ,主要集中在肝、卵巢、皮肤等部位 ,而且季节性变化明显 ,个体差异显著。运用该研究成果自 1995年至 2 0 0 2年进行人体试食试验以来 ,未发现一例中毒症状和体征 ,各项试验证明 ,经去毒工艺处理的河是安全的 ,经食用后不会引起河毒素中毒。这对于保证河资源的安全利用有着重大的意义。
In order to ensure the safety in the consumption of puffer fish,a project was carried out to study the toxic characteristics of the fish and the methods for determination of the toxin it contains.The results showed that the toxin tetrodotoxin(TTX) in its body was not evenly distributed and the content of the toxin varied with different seasons in a year,different organs of the body as well as different species of the fish.Methods for determination of the toxin were studied and the results obtained by HPLC and ELISA were proved reliable.By means of the HACCP system,we ascertained the critical control points in the process of puffer utilization and advocated measures and standards in raw material acceptance,temporary maintenance of living puffers,detoxification methods,cooking process and importance of keeping records of each stage.Observed the advocated procedures,no intoxication occurred in 284 200 trials of eating the fish in the period 1995~2002.It is concluded that the HACCP system is of crucial importance for the safe utilization of the puffer resource.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene