我国加入世贸组织以后 ,对我国的商法产生了很大的影响。我国商法的再度国际化实际上正是我国对世贸组织法律要求的适应。主要是在借鉴WTO法律制度 ,遵循WTO一般要求的基础上对国内商法进行修改 ,但应特别注意我国自身国情及法律自身发展的规律。
China's WTO entry has had great impact on China's Commercial Law, which, under the new circumstance, is required to meet the standard of the laws of WTO.Therefore,it is suggested to amend the Commercial Law according to the WTO's law and it's general requirement,while taking into account the practical situation of the country.
Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management