通过三掺杂得到MgSO4 :Tm ,Mn ,P ,其热释光的两个主要发光峰温分别约为 2 5 3℃和 383℃ ,发光波长位于36 5nm、4 6 0nm和 6 6 0nm。比较MgSO4 :Tm、MgSO4 :Tm ,Mn、MgSO4 :Tm ,P、MgSO4 :Tm ,Mn ,P的发光曲线 ,讨论了杂质Tm、Mn、P分别产生的作用。采用一般级动力学方程拟合发光曲线 ,确定出各发光峰的激活能与频率因子。用6 0 Coγ射线在 0 .1— 2 0kGy的辐照范围内 ,测定了它们的热释光剂量响应曲线。用复合作用剂量响应函数拟合实验数据 ,得到两个发光峰的一次作用因子R分别为 0 .397(2 5 3℃ )和 0 .12 7(383℃ )。
The MgSO 4:Tm,Mn,P has been prepared by doping and co-doping method, and its two main thermoluminescence (TL) glow peaks are at 253℃ and 383℃ with wavelengths around 360, 460 and 660nm. By comparing glow curves of four materials (i.e. MgSO 4:Tm; MgSO 4:Tm,Mn; MgSO 4:Tm,P and MgSO 4:Tm,Mn,P), the role of the dopants Tm, Mn, P was discussed. The glow peak parameters, such as activation energy and frequency factors, were determined by deconvoluting the glow curves with gerneral order kinetics equations. The dose responses to gamma rays in the dose range from 0.1 Gy to 20 kGy were obtained and fitted by the composite action dose response function. The one hit factors R obtained are 0.397 and 0.127 for 253℃ and 383℃ glow peaks respectively.
Nuclear Techniques
国家自然科学基金资助 (19775 0 71)
广东省自然科学基金资助 (990 2 15 )项目