基于Internet环境的一般贸易网是铁路物资总公司电子商务系统的重要内容之一。数据交换是一般贸易网的关键部分,如何使用其他系统中的现有数据, 从而减少大量的重复录入; 以及如何充分利用本网络中的数据, 进行深度挖掘, 提供增值服务是一般贸易网要考虑的重要内容。对各种数据交换技术方案进行了综合分析和对比,提出了采用XML技术的解决方案,有效地解决了系统数据交换的关键问题。
The MarketPlace network which based on Internet plays an important role in e-business project of China RailwayMaterials & Supplies Corporation. Data exchange is one of the key point of the MarketPlace network. How to make use of the dataof other system, and how to make full advantage of the data of our own, so as to supply value added service to our customers werethe main problems that we must solve. It was analysed and contrasted several precepts of data exchanging, and introduced themethod of exchanging data with XML, and solved the problem effectively.
Railway Computer Application