由企业与员工共同建立的“心理契约”能使企业内个人与他人在动态的条件下不断地保持良好关系 ,可以实现人力资源的自主能动开发 ,发挥员工的潜能 ,从而提高员工的工作积极性 ,通过实现员工个人的目标来实现企业目标。这是现代企业人力资源管理的目标所在。
The 'mental covenant' of the enterprise building toge th er by the enterprise and their employees can make persons hold good relations un der a changeable condition.What's more,by means of building the 'mental covenan t' of the enterprise,the proposal aims to bring about the initiative of the hu man resources,develop their potential capability and at last realize the enterpr ise's achievement through realizing personal aim.
Northern Economy and Trade