卡夫卡与弗洛伊德属于同时代的奥地利人 :一个是伟大的作家 ,一个是杰出的心理分析学家。卡夫卡的生活和创作似乎给弗洛伊德的理论提供了一个绝好的例证 ,可惜弗洛伊德并不知道卡夫卡。卡夫卡虽然熟悉并阅读过弗洛伊德的著作 ,他的思想和创作无疑也受到过弗洛伊德的影响 ,但是 ,卡夫卡并不完全认同弗洛伊德的精神分析理论 ,尤其是在信仰和宗教问题上 ,卡夫卡更是坚决地抵制弗洛伊德的理论。这种对待弗洛伊德理论的矛盾复杂心态 。
Kafka and Freud were Austrian living in the same time: one is a great writer; another is the great psychoanalysis. Kafka's life and work an exact example to Freud theory, but Freud did not know well about Kafka. Kafka read and familiar with Freud's work, and his thinking and works were influenced by Freud, but Kafka did not identity with Freud's theory completely, especially he rejected Freud's theory in the faith and the religion. This complication and contradiction about Freud must be reflected in the Kafka's novels.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University