文章介绍了河北南部电网进行了DCS改造的 2 0 0MW机组送、引风机RUNBACK功能的逻辑回路与试验研究方法 ,指出在锅炉点火前启动送、引风机进行RUNBACK功能的动态模拟试验能够保证试验成功 ,并以某电厂 # 7机组送。
In southern Hebei power network, many 200 MW units have been modified with DCS system. This paper introduces the logic circuits of FD and ID fans' run back function and the methods for experimental research. The author points out t hat performing dynamic simulation test of FD and ID fans' runback function befor e boiler firing is helpful to the success, and, with the example of the results of FD and ID fans' runback function test, explains the feasibility of his idea.
Hebei Electric Power