我国一些企业为应对加入WTO以后异常激烈的市场竞争 ,片面追求规模 ,盲目扩张规模 ,这是一种误区 ,必将带来很多弊端。树立正确观念 ,掌握WTO规则 ,找准市场角色和定位 ,进行企业过程再造 ,使企业经营特色化 ,产品个性化 ,是企业增强竞争实力的最佳选择。
To deal with the keen competition after our country entering WTO,some enterprises of our country are immersed in expansion and large scale.But It will be dangerous for the enterprises.The best choice of improving competition ability is setting up correct business concepts,grasping WTO rules,finding a exact market position,implementing BPR,making enterprises characteristic and products individual.
Journal of Jilin Province Economic Management Cadre College