

Computer Simulation of Ellipse's Graylevel Image with High Accuracy
摘要 利用像素阵列式摄像机 (例如 ,CCD摄像机 )的成像模型、椭圆几何模型 ,使用计算机图像仿真技术生成具有亚像素级精度的椭圆图像。理论分析和实验结果表明 ,所开发的高精度计算机仿真椭圆图像算法对检验亚像素椭圆检测算法性能和提高计算机仿真图像的视觉效果具有重要作用。 By employing the imaging model of a pixel array type of a camera, e.g. CCD camera, and on the basis of the geometric model of an ellipse, the simulated ellipse image with subpixel accuracy is successively generated by the computer image simulation technique. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed technique can generate the standard image for testing the detection precision of any one of the developed or being developed ellipse detection algorithms and that the visual effectiveness of the simulated ellipse image is continuous and smooth enough.
出处 《上海海运学院学报》 北大核心 2001年第4期1-4,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Maritime University
基金 中国科学院模式识别国家重点实验室开放课题基金资助 国防科工委九.五预研项目 16 .10 .2的资助
关键词 计算机图像仿真 亚像素椭圆图像仿真 摄像机成像模型 椭圆几何模型 computer image simulation, simulated ellipse image, camera imaging model,the geometic model of an ellipse
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