随着计算机技术的飞速发展 ,计算机辅助教学CAI课件大量涌现 ,其中存在着重复开发、缺乏教务信息管理等问题。利用先进的网络技术 ,将CAI课件建立在Internet上 ,实现真正意义上的远程教学已成为发展的必然趋势。本文结合《C语言程序设计》课程的网上多媒体CAI系统的设计与开发 ,讨论了网络CAI的系统结构、关键技术和该系统的功能特点。
A lot of CAI coursewares are developed currently while computer science and technology is improved, but some problems arise such as repeated development of courseware,diversified imformation in education unable to not be managed effectively, and so on. Establishment of distance CAI system can solve these problems by means of Internet technology. This paper discusses the system structure, some crucial technology and some function features of the multimedia CAI system of 'C Programming' course,which is designed on Internet.
Journal of Shanghai Maritime University