限制光放大密集波分复用(DWDM)系统传输容量和传输速度的主要因素是色散和非线性效应,本文就色散和非线性效应的影响从理论上进行了简要的分析,设计并生产了既能控制色散,又能有效抑制非线性效应,而且具有低PMD值的适合于大容量和超长中继距离的DWDM系统的非零色散位移单模光纤——大保实R(LAPOSHR),其优点是: 低色散(2~6 ps/nm·km 1530~1565nm)、大有效面积(73μm2@1550nm)、低衰耗(0.20dB/km@1550nm)、低PMD(≤0.08ps/√km)以及优异的抗弯曲性能。
In erbium doped optical fiber amplifier (EDFA) and dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) lightwave communication system, fiber nonlinear effects and chromatic dispersion are the main system-performance limiting factors. The effect of fiber nonlinear effects and chromatic dispersion on system has been analyzed in brief. The non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode fiber named LAPOSHR which is capable of controlling chromatic dispersion, suppressing nonlinear effects and is desirable for high capacity and long-haul DWDM system have been designed and fabricated. The main advantages of LAPOSHR are as following: low dispersion(2~6 ps/nm·km between 1530nm and 1565nm), large effective area (73μm2 @1550nm), low attenuation (0.20dB/km @1550nm), low polarization mode dispersion (PMD ) and good bending performance.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization