通过信号分析与处理的方法 ,提取出与金属和非金属粘接状态和粘接质量有关的特征量 .对粘接结构施加微力 ,通过对声音信号在时域、频域上的特征分析 ,提取出与粘接有关的特征量 .在检测到的声音信号的时域波形上 ,粘接的特征不强 ,而对声音信号作频谱分析后 ,能使粘接特征在频谱图上比较容易地显现 .
Extracting the features related to the adhesive state and quality between metal and nonmetal, through the methods of signal analysing and processing. Through the features analysis of acoustic signals in time domain and frequency domain which is recieved,by giving a little force to the adhesive structure, can be extracted the features related to the adhesion. Adhesive features of recieved acoustic signals are not clear in the time domain,but they can be easily seen in the frequency field.It has made a good foundation for the further research of pattern recognition.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology