基于大量的环境影响评价工作实践 ,针对现行的《环境影响评价技术导则》( HJ/ T2 .2 - 93 )中的有风条件预测模式 ,提出了在环境空气影响评价中 ,《导则》所给出的“有风条件下最大落地浓度及其出现距离 ( Cmax和 Xmax)计算模式”中所存在的问题 ,并提出了相应的解决方案。本文的研究结果为完善《导则》
According to the analysis of forecasting models in the active Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Atmospheric Environment(HJ/T 2.2-93) and much more practice work of environmental assessment impact(EIA),we brought forward the problems in calculating model for calculation of the ground maximum concentration and maximum distance recommended by NEPB.In additon,we suggested correlative resolving method.The researching result of this paper will be useful for a perfect and integrating GUIDE.
Chongqing Environmental Science