用仙客来 (Cyclamenpersicum Mill)成苗叶柄作为外植体 ,培养在附加 2 ,4 D和KT的 1/2MS培养基上诱导体细胞胚性愈伤组织的发生 ,对体细胞胚性愈伤组织发生过程中外部形态和组织细胞学结构进行了动态观察 .结果表明 ,叶柄组织脱分化的起始部位在维管束的维管束鞘细胞 ,启动时间是培养后 2d ;叶柄外植体培养至 2 0d左右 ,愈伤组织呈松散透明状态 ,胚性细胞出现 ,标志着进入胚性愈伤组织阶段 ,胚性细胞多发生在所形成的愈伤组织的表层或近表层细胞 ,细胞大而壁薄 ,与非胚性细胞联系疏松 ,细胞核大 ,并位于细胞中央 ,细胞质浓厚 ,分别观察有单细胞。
Stalk of Cyclamen is inoculated on 1/2MS medium supplemented with 2,4 D and cytokinin for inducement of the somatic embryonic callus .The observation on the embryonic callus with the method of cytohistology shows that the development of the cyclamen stalk is initiated in the vascular bundle sheath cells,and the time for initiation is the third day of the cultivation. After 15 to 20 days of cultivation, the callus becomes transparent and loose. The appearance of the embryonic cell indicats that the embryogenesis stage of embryonic callus begins.
Journal of Yantai University(Natural Science and Engineering Edition)
山东省科技厅科技公关项目 (0 12 0 10 12 1)