我国政府职能的转变在制度需求与制度供给的双重制约下进行。市场主体的发育程度、市场体系的建设、市场环境的形成等构成对政府职能转变的需求制约 ;对市场经济规律及相应社会科学知识的把握程度构成政府职能转变的供给制约。从整体上推进市场化进程 ,创建“学习型政府”可以从需求和供给两个方面推进我国政府职能的转变。
The transformation for thc function of our government is carried out under the double restriction for system demand and system supply. The demand restriction is composed of three factors: the developmental level of market main body, the construction of market system and the formation of market environment. The supply restriction is composed of the mastering level for market economic rules and related knowledge for social sciences. It will accelerate our government function transformation both in demand and supply by driving on the progress for general adoption of the market principles and creating 'learning type government'.
Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce