目的 为提高儿童保健工作质量及降低儿童死亡率提供理论依据。方法 流行病学现况调查分析法。结果 1 990~ 2 0 0 0年城北区婴儿死亡率为 1 6 .1 1‰ ,各年度间无显著性差异 (X2 =1 4.6 8)。其婴儿死因顺位前几位是早产和低体重、出生窒息、肺炎、意外、出生畸形、先心病和腹泻等。结论 做好孕产期保健工作 ,及时筛查高危孕妇 。
Objective To prepare the theoretic basis for improving the quality of child health and decreasing the child death rate . Methods The way of epidemiological cross-sectional study analysis.Results The infant mortality is 16.11‰ in the north district of Xining (1990~2000) and there is no significant difference among years (x 2 = 14.68).The sequence of dead cause is premature and low birth weight in the first place, and then the suffocation of newborn, pneumonia, accidents, birth deformed, congenital heart disease and dysentery,etc.Conclusion According to the result above ,we can take the measures below which are the key part of our work in decreasing the infant mortality that strengthening the maternal health and postnatal wardship of premature ,and decreasing high risk maternity by screening in time ,etc,to decrease the birth of congenital disformation.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College