目的 :调查分析上海市医疗机构药学技术人员的基本情况 ,为促进医院药学工作模式的改革 ,加强医院药学工作的建设和规划提供依据。方法 :函发调查表 ,获取各医院床位数、门诊日均工作量以及药学部门技术人员职称、学历、岗位分布等数据。检索《中国生物医学文献光盘数据库》,获得各药学部门负责人发表的学术论文情况。数据来自 416所医院 (其中三级医院 2 8所、二级医院 5 2所、一级医院 336所 ) ,涉及药学技术人员 6 40 3名 (其中药师 5 30 3名 )。 结果 :药师队伍中高级、中级、初级职称人数之比为 2∶ 9∶ 5 5 ;博士、硕士、本科、大专、中专学历的人数比为 1∶ 8∶ 76∶ 118∶ 398。但是 ,各类人员分布不均 ,平均每所三级医院拥有的高级职称、中级职称人数显著高于二级医院、一级医院拥有的人数。博士、硕士学历的人员主要分布在三级医院。三级医院、二级医院中门、急诊调剂岗位上高级、中级职称的人员比例低于其他部门。三级医院平均每百张床位配备的住院药房药学技术人员仅 1名。论文较多的作者均为高级职称 ,有的还是博士生导师或硕士生导师。 结论 :上海市医院药学队伍中高中级人员处于紧缺状态 ,分布不均 ,主要集中于三级医院。人员紧缺严重地影响药师深入临床、开展药学服务。药学技术人员职?
Objective: To investigate the current status of hospital pharmacists in Shanghai and to gain a better understanding of pharmacists' role in hospital professional team. Methods: A mail questionnaire which included job position and demographic questions was sent to pharmacy directors, who worked in hospitals of different scales including hospitals of grade 3 (usually municipal general hospitals, teaching hospitals etc.), grade 2(usually district hospitals) and grade 1 (usually community hospitals and clinics), which involved 5 303 pharmacists and 416 hospitals. Of these persons, 99.5% responded. Data analyses included descriptive and quantitive statistics. Results:Twenty-nine percent of the pharmacists worked in hospitals of grade 3 which was only 7% of all the settings. The number ratio of the senior title pharmacists, the middle-rank title pharmacists and junior title pharmacists was 2∶9∶55, the number ratio of pharmacists had doctorate degree, master degree and bachelor degree was 1∶8∶76, and the main part of the senior pharmacists and those who had doctorate degree and master degree worked in hospitals of grade 3. Within a hospital pharmacy, more senior pharmacists got position in the preparation section. In inpatient pharmacy there was only 1 pharmacist per 100 beds in average. Conclusion: There is a shortage of hospital inpatient pharmacists and also lack of senior pharmacists in outpatient pharmacy in Shanghai, which will be one of the barriers for enlargement of the clinical pharmacist team in hospital. A balance of distribution of the senior pharmacists within delivery sections and preparation sections has to be found and the knowledge background of pharmacists should be improved to meet the demand of providing the best possible service for the patients.
Pharmaceutical Care and Research