
广西鱼类一新属三新种(鲤形目:鲤科、鳅科) 被引量:17

摘要 在广西河池地区鱼类资源调查中,我们发现鲤科鱼类一新属二新种和鳅科鱼类一新种。描述如下: Discolabeo Chen, gen. nov.Type species Discolabeo wui sp. nov. Chen et Lan.Elongate, cylindrical, dorsal surface slightly convex, ventral surface of head and body flattened. Snout prominent, obtusely rounded, more or less depressed, covered by numerous round soft papillae. Upper lip absent. Mouth inferior. Lower lip transformed into a suctorial disk with papillae, a magrin rounded outward. The margin is free in touch with the lower jaw. The centre of the lip free of papillae, forming an oval fleshy cushion. A bag-like layer formed backward from the anterior part of the margin, covering a part of the suctorial disk. Postlabial groove continued forward and laterally near to the rostral barbel. A pair of rostral and of maxillary barbels. Jaws covered with a horny sharp edge. Dorsal with 7 branched rays. Anal with 5 branched rays. Caudal emarginate. Pectorals and ventrals horizontal. Scales moderate size. Lateral line complete. Pharyngeal teeth 2 rows.The new genus differs distinctly from Garra Hamilton in the rows of the pharyngeal teeth and the morphotype of the suctorial disk. This new genus with 2 rows of pharyngeal teeth, but the latter with 3 rows; to the latter genus, the anterior part of the margin did not form a bag-like layer. The new genus differs to the Uiscogobio Lin, too. Also, Discogobio did no form a bag-like layer.Discolabeo Wui sp. nov. Chen et Lan(fig. 1)Holotype No. 85-70, total body length 52 mm, standard body length 39 mm, collected from Buliu River, Tian'e County, Guangxi Province, on August, 1985. Paratype: 12 specimens, No. 85-58-69, total body length 32-60 mm, standard body length 24-47 mm, collected from the same locality as the holotype. D. iv-7; A. iii-5; P. i-13; V. i-8, L. I. 373-V/4.5-5 38; predorsal 12-13; around caudalpeduncle 14. Pharyngeal teeth 2 rows, 5.2-2.5 or 5.3-3.5. Gill rakers (inner) 10-12. Vertebrae 4+32-33.Depth 4.4-5.4 in standard body length head 3.5-4.3, length of caudal peduncle 5.7-7.3, its depth 8.1-10.0. Snout 2.2-2.7 in head, eye 4.5-5.0, interorbital space 2.0-2.3. Depth of caudal peduncle 1.2-1.6 in its length. Predorsal space 47-51% of standard length.Snout subequal to the postorbital part of head. Eye supra-lateral, located in the middle of head, interorbital space about 2 times in eye diameter. Origin of ventral situated below the vertical of 2nd branched dorsal ray, tip of folded ventral extending or beyond vent.Color in formalin black brown above and yellow below, with a broad, black horizontal band extending from behind the gill opening to the base of caudal.Sinocyclocheilus brevis sp. nov. Lan et Chen. (fig. 2)Holotype No. 87087496, total body length 133mm, standard body length 100 mm, col-lected from Luocheng county, Guangxi Province, on August, 1987. Paratype: 5 specimens, No. 87077469, 87077471, 87077477, 87077478, 87087493; total length 95-157 mm, standard length 72-122 mm, collected from the same locality as the holotype.D. iv-7; A. iii-5; P. i-12-13; V. i-8. L. 1.51 1-12-V/18-20 54. Pharyngeal teeth 4.3.1-1.3.4. Gill rakers 10-12. Vertebrae 4-36-37.Depth 3.0-3.4 in standard length, head 3.1-3.6, length of caudal peduncle 4.2-5.1, its depth 7.1-8.1. Snout 2.8-3.0 in head, eye 7.5-9.7, interorbital space 2.8-3.2. Depth of caudal peduncle 1.6-1.8 in its length. Predorsal space 53-56% of standard length; preventral space 49-52%, preanal space 68-71%.The present species is easily distinguished from other members of Sinocyclocheilus in combination with the following characters: tip of pectoral fin reaching or beyond the origin of ventral fin and lateral line scales fewer than the other members.Leptobotia posterodorsalis sp. nor. (fig. 3)Holotype No.87067044, total body length 80mm, standard body length 70mm, collected from Huanjiang County, Guangxi Province, on June, 1987. Paratype: 8 specimens, No. 87056389, 87056395, 87056400, 87056424, 87067023, 87067'030, 87067068, 87067073; total length 57-86 mm. standard length 50-74 mm, collected from the same locality as the holotype.D. iii-6-7; A. ii-5; P. i-10-11; V. i-6. Gill rakers (inner) 9-11. Vertebrae 4 + 40-41.D
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1992年第1期104-109,共6页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 鲤科 鳅科 盘鲮属 新属 新种 Cyprinidae Cobitidae Discolabeo new genus new species Guangxi
  • 相关文献


  • 1林人端,水生生物学报,1986年,10卷,4期,380页
  • 2褚新洛,动物分类学报,1985年,10卷,4期,435页
  • 3李维贤,动物学研究,1985年,6卷,4期,423页
  • 4郑慈英,鱼类学论文集.4,1984年,107页
  • 5武云飞,动物分类学报,1983年,8卷,3期,335页
  • 6方世勋,广西淡水鱼类志.鲍亚科部分,1981年
  • 7戴定远,广西淡水鱼类志.鳅科部分,1981年
  • 8陈景星,动物学研究,1980年,1卷,1期,3页
  • 9褚新洛,动物学报,1978年,24卷,3期,255页
  • 10伍献文,中国鲤科鱼类志.下,1977年











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