Choroterpes anhuiensis sp. nov.Male imago (in alc.): Length of body 5-6mm. General colour grey-brown. Upper part of eyes orange red, lower part black. Fore wing 5.5-6.5mm long and hyaline, except C & Sc areas opaque, vein Rs forked at 1/4 of distance from base to apical margin. Hind wing small, costal projection near the middle, costal area with 3 cross veins. In the fore leg, femur: tibia: tarsus = 1.6:2.6:2.0, tarsal joints rank 1,2,3,4. Forceps of male genitalia 3 segmented, first segment the longest and base broad, 2nd and 3rd segments short and not entirely divided. Pe-nial lobes very short, with a narrow V-shaped, cleft in between.Female imago (in alc.): Length of 4.5-6mm. General colur deeper than the male. In the fore leg, femur: tibia: tarsus=1.8:1.7:0.6, tarsal joints rank 4, 1, 2, 3. Subanal plate with a shallow concavity, other characters similar to the male.Holotype ♂ imago, Allotype ♀ imago, Tang Kou (30°13'N, 118°2'E), Anhui Province on July 2, 1987. Paratypes 17♂♂22♀♀ imagoes, 20♂♂10♀♀ subimagoes, same locality, on July 2-4, 1987. 10♂♂ 18♀♀ imagoes, l0♂♂15♀♀ subimagoes, same locality, on August 14-16, 1987. All types preserved in the Department of Biology, Nanjing Normal University.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Ephemeroptera Leprophlebiidae Choroterpes new species