
中国追寄蝇属的研究(双翅目:寄蝇科) 被引量:4

摘要 本文记述我国追寄蝇属Exortsta Meigen共35种,其中有9个新种和2个中国新纪录,编有35种的检索表,并对以往个别误定的种类加以订正。 The present paper deals with 35 species of the genus Exorista Meigen from China, of which 9 species are new to science, A key to 35 species is given in Chinese text and some mi-sidentification is revised. All type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Acade-mia Sinica, Beijing.1. Exorista penicilla Chao et Liang sp. nov. (fig. 8)This species resembles E. hyalipcnnis Baranov. but differs from the latter in the following characters: mid-tibia with 2 ad; dorsal surface of male cerci with erecting yellowish dense hairs as a brush. Body length: 11 mm.Holotype ♂, Sichuan: Wenchuan, 900m, (31.4°N, 103.6°E), Ⅷ. 3,1983, by Chai Huai-cheng.2. Exorista spina Chao et Liang sp. nov.(fig. 9)This new species is closely allied to E. aureifrons Baranov, but differs from the latter in well developed costal spine, the length of it longer than that of r-m; 5th sternite of male with a wart-shaped process on each lateral lobe at the base. Body length: 8-10 mm.Holotvpe ♂, Yunnan: Yongsheng, 2200m, (26.7°N, 100.7°E), Ⅷ, 8, 1984, by Wang Shu-yong; paratype 1♂, same as holotype but the date Ⅶ. 9. 1984.3. Exorista fuscihirta Chao et Liang sp. nov. (fig. 12)It resembles E, cantans Mesnil in general appearance, but its epistome prominent, warped forwards from the face, ocellar setae absent, postocellar setae two in number, mid-tibia with two ad; cerci of male with yellowish brown hairs dorsally. Body length: 15mm.Holotype ♂, Yunnan: Jingdong, (24.4°N, 100.8°E), Ⅴ.13.1956, by Ⅴ. Popov.4. Exorista tenuicerca Liang et Chao sp. nov. (fig. 13)Closely allied to E. longicercus Kugler, but easily distinguished by rather narrowed cerci, dense and thick setulae on 7 + 8 th tergite in male. Body length: 13-14 mm.Holotype ♂, Hainan: Wuzhi Shan (18.9°N, 109.7°E), Ⅵ. 12. 1982, by Liang Zhao-ke.5. Exorista hainanensis Chao et Liang sp. nov. (fig, 15)This new species is allied to E. sorbillans Wiedemann, but easily differentiated from the latter by r4+5 setulosc on its basal 2/5-1/2, 5th sternite of male without long setae on posterior sides of lateral lobes, terminalia of male cerci thin, bent ventrally, hook-like. Body length: 12 mm.Holotype ♂, Hainan Prov. Ⅶ.19.1934. 6. Exorista longisquama Liang et Chao sp. nov. (fig. 16)The new species is closely related to E. xanthaspis Wied. and E. civilis Rcndani, but differs from them in the following characters: lower calypter enlarged backward, especially in male, bend of vein m approximately equidistant between m-cu and the wing margin; cerci of male long triangular, its whole ventral surface with dense spines and its terminalia rather curved ventrally; aedeagus shorter than the allied species, its terminalia enlarged into a round slice. Body length: 11-12 mm.Holotype ♂, Guangdong: Zhanjiang, (21.2°N, 110.3°E), 1.21.1982, by Lin Guo-zhi; allo-type ♀, ditto, 11.30.1981; paratypes 2♂♂, 1♀, same locality as holotype, Ⅻ.25.1981, Ⅰ.12.1982, and Ⅲ.18.1982, by Lin Guo-zhi and Tang Jie-jian.7. Exorista wangi Chao et Liang sp. nov. (fig. 17)This new species resembles E. longisquama sp. nov. and E. civilis Rondani, but differs from the former in the aedeagus not enlarged into a round slice, differs from the latter in the shortened aedeagus and the thiner pollinose on the abdomen. Body length: 8-9 mm.Holotype ♂, Sichuan: Yanyuan, 1274 m, (27.4°N. 101.4°E), Ⅵ.30.1984, by Wang Shu-yong; paratype 1♂, same as holotype.8. Exorista brevihirta Liang et Chao sp. nov. (fig. 20)Closely allied to E. laterosetosa Chao, but differs from the latter in the ocellar setae par-ticularly small, hair-like or absent; scutellum with only one lateral seta on each side; cerci of male straight, flattend dorsoventrally, its apical half very thin, basal half triangular. Body length: 10-11 mm.Holotype ♂, Guangdong: Zhanjiang, (21.2°N. 110.3°E), Ⅹ.25.1981, by Liang En-yi.9. Exorista intermedia Chao et Liang sp. nov. (fig. 27)According to the appearance of male genitalia, this new species is allied to E. japonica Townsend and E. fasciata Fallen and situated between these two species, the male cerci of new
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1992年第2期206-223,共18页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 双翅目 寄蝇科 追寄蝇属 新种 Diptera Tachinidae Exorista new species
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  • 1赵建铭,昆虫学报,1964年,13卷,3期,362页











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