
青海恙螨亚科三新种(蜱螨亚纲:恙螨科) 被引量:2

摘要 本文记述了恙螨亚科Trombiculinae Ewing 1929的三个新种:1.球形钳齿恙螨,新种,Cheladonta globosea sp.nov..2.久治真棒恙螨,新种,Euschoengastia jiuzhiensis sp.nov.3.民和囊棒恙螨,新种Ascoschoengastia minheensis sp.nov.,分别采自青海省久治县、化隆县、民和县和互助县。 This paper reports three now species of Trombiculinae belonging to genus Cheladonta Lipovsky et al: Euschoengastia Ewing and Ascoschoengastia Ewing. Type apecimens are deposited in the Research Institute of Endemic Disease Control, Qinghai Province.1. Cheladonta globosea sp. nov. (figs 1-6)Body white when alive. Idiosoma length 617.5 (570-640). width 562.5(480-620). Galeal seta nude. Palpal setae fomula B. B. BNB/4B, palpal claw 6-pronged, cheliceral with teeth on ventral. Scutum rectangular. Sensillae globular with dense barbs on surface. PLs/SB, PL > AL > AM. Eyes 2+2. Dorsal setae 52-53 in number, arranged as 4·16·12·10·6·2·2 = 52, 4·18·11·10·6·2·2 = 53, ventral setae 24al2 = 36 in number. Sternal setae 2·2· Coxal setae 1·1·2- Legs; Ⅰ=260 Ⅱ=220 Ⅲ=250. Ip = 730. SIE = 4B-N-6-2110-0000.Holotype larva collected off Pitymys irene Thomas, August 7, 1985, 3 paratypes off Ochoiona cansus Lyon, May 31, 1985, from Jiuzhi County (32°3?'N, 101°1'E), Qinghai Province.This new species is resembles to Cheladonta bicoxalae Wen, Zhou et al. 1984, but separable with fp = B.B.BNB, PLs/SB, PL > AL > AM, SP = 27.5, sensillae globular.2. Euschoengastia jiuzhiensis sp. nov. (figs 7-11)Body orange when alive. Idiosoma length 543.5 (430-660), width 495.7 (360 -460). Galeal seta branches. Palpal setae fomula B.B.bbB/7B, the palpotibial dorsal seta with 6-7 branches, lateral seta with 1-2 branches, Palpal claw 6 pronged. Scutum punctate, PW = 5.5AP, sensillae club-shaped. ALs/AM, PLs/SB, PL > AL > AM. Eyes 2+2. Dorsal setae 54-58 in number, arranged as 2·13·15·11·9·6·2= 58, 2·12·13·12·7·6·2=54. Ventral setae 24al2=36 in number. Sternal setae 2·2·Coxal setae 1.1.1. Legs: Ⅰ=235.2 Ⅱ = 227.2 Ⅲ = 254.2. IP =716.6. SIF =7B-B-6-2110-0000.Holotype larva collected off Ochoiona curzoiae Hodgson June. 7, 1985, 9 paratypes off Ochotona cansus Lyon and Microtus oeconomus Pallas. May 30, Au. gust 12, 1985, from Jiuzhi County (32°0'N, 101°1'E), Qinghai Province. 1 paratypes off Pitymys irene Thomas, May 18, 1983, from Hualong County (36°06'N 102°17'E) Qinghai Province'This new species is resembles to Euschoengastia kalokunluna Shao et Wen, 1984 but scutum larger, AW = 70, PW = 106.5, SB = 35, AP - 19, NDV ?104.3. Ascoschoengastia minheensis sp. nov. (figs 12-15)Bogy orange when alive. Idiosoma engorged 400X280. Galeal seta nude. Palpal setae fomula B.B.BBB/6B, palpal claw 3-pronged. Scutum small subguadrate in shape, with distinct antero-lateral shoulders. Posterior margin rounded. Sensillae elongate club-shaped. ASB > PSB, AM/ALs. PL > AM > AL. Eyes 2 + 2. Dorsal 54-57, in number, arranged as 2.(11 ·5)·14·8·8·4·2·= 54. 2·(9·10)·14·8·8·4·2= 57. Ventral setae 41al2 = 53, in number, sternal setae 2??Coxal setae 1???Legs; I = 210, 11=190, 111 = 212.5. Ip = 605(580-622.5). SIE = 6B-N-3-3111-0000.Holotype and 8 paratypes, larvae collected off Meriones meridanus Pallas, August 23, 1985 from Minhen County (36°35'N 102°56'E) Qinghai Province.This new species is resembles Ascoschoengastia leechi Domrow, 1962 but scutum small, AL, AM, PL longer. SB = 21.6, ASB = 25.8, PSB = 20, NDV =107.
作者 杨锡正
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1992年第3期303-309,共7页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 蜱螨亚纲 恙螨科 新种 Acari Trombiculinae Cheladonta Euschoengastia Ascoschoengastia new species
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  • 1温廷桓,中国沙螨.恙螨,1984年
  • 2陈健行,动物学报,1960年,12卷,1期,37页











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