本文记述湖北省等翅目三新种,毛唇散白蚁Reticulitermes tricholabtalis sp.nov.湖北散白蚁Reticulitermes hubeiensis sp.nov.和近圆唇散白蚁Reticulitermes perilabralis sp.nov.。所有正模标本均保存于广东省昆虫研究所。
In the present paper, three new species of the genus Reticulitermes from Hubei Province, China are described. Their comparisons with close species are given as follows. 1. Reticulitermes trkholabralis Ping et Li, sp. nov.This new species is closely related to R. chinensis Snyder in the labrum pointed at apex, but differs in 1. chaetotaxy of labrum long and stout, vs. short and weak; 2. length of head capsule less than 1.80, vs. greater than 1.80; 3. averange width of head less than 1.10, vs. greater than 1.10; 4. minimum width of postmentum 0.15-0.18, vs. 0.12-0.15; 5. width of pronotum less than 0.80, vs. greater than 0.80; 6. pronotum over 10 bristles on disc, vs. less than 10 bristles.Type locality: Aimen Guan, Macheng, Hubei Prov. (31.2°N, 115.4°E), Soldiers (holotype and paratypes), workers from type series (1.No.E 10355). Collected by Li a Ping, Oct. 21, 1988 in stump (Pinus dabeshanensis). Para-type series (1.No.E 10398) collected from Mt. Jigong, Xinyang, Henan Prov. in tree (Taxodium distichum).2. Reticulitermes hubeiensis Ping et Huang, sp. nov.This new species is closely related to R. chinensis Snyder and R. labralis Hsia et Fan in the frontal almost plane, but differs from R. chinensis in soldier, 1. labrum narrowly rounded at apex, vs. pointed; 2.1length of head-capsule shorter, vs. longer; 3. minimum width of postmentum 0.18-0.19, vs. 0.12-0.15; 4. width of pronotum less than 0.80, vs. greater than 0.80; and from R. labralis in soldier, 1. labrum narrowly rounded at apex, vs. obtuse; 2. pigmentary of head capsule darker, vs. pale; 3. right mandible without a crenulation below the middle of inner margin, vs. with a crenulation.Type locality: Chongyang, Hubei Prov. (29.5°N, 114.0°E). Soldiers (holotype and para-types), workers from type series (1.No.E 10084). Collected by Ping et al. May 25, 1988 in tree (Sapium sebiferum).3. Reticulitermes perilabralis Ping et Xu, sp. nov.This new species is closely related to R. labralis Hsiaeet Fan, but differs in soldier 1. pigmentary and sclerotization of head capsule darker and strong, vs. pale and weak; 2. dp of mandible more curved and comparatively stouter, vs. tip of mandible almost straight and comparative slender; 3. right mandible without a crenulation below the middle of inner margin, vs. with a crenulation; 4. chaetotaxy of labrum long and stout, vs. short and weak.Type locality: Zhangjiazui, Yingshan, Hubei Prov. (31.0°N, 115.8°E). Soldier (holotype and paratypes) workers from type series (1.No.E 10311). Collected by Ping et Li, Oct. 15, 1988 in stump (Cunninghamia lancealata).All measurements are in millimeters. All the type specimens are kept in the Guangdong Entomological Institute and a part of the para type specimens separately deposited in the Wuhan Institute of Termite Control and Yichang Instutute of Termite Control.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Isoptera Rhinotermitdae Reticulitermes new species