
草盲蝽属中国种类纪要(半翅目:盲蝽科) 被引量:6

摘要 本文共记述半翅目盲蝽科的常见属—草盲蝽属Lygus(s.str.)Hahn中国种类共11种。其中包括3个新种:毛斑草盲蝽L.paradiscrepans sp.nov.,西藏草盲蝽L.tibetanus sp.nov.,萧氏草盲蝽L.hsiaoi sp.nov.;1个中国新记录种:瓦氏草盲蝽L.wagneri(Remane);以及1项新组合:将poluensis Wagner由Exolygus Wagner属移入本属。文章提供了名录。 A list including 11 species of Lygus (s. str.) Hahn from China is provided, in which L. wagneri (Remane) is newly recorded from this country, 3 species are described as new to science and 1 new combination is proposed. Type specimens of new species are deposited in the Dept. of Biology, Nankal University.Lygus hsiaoi sp. nov. (figs. 1-9, 26)Ochraceous, with sharply delimited dark patterns. Vertex smooth, with 1 or 3 black stripes. Antennae black- Pronotum with puncturation sparse, calli partly black, with 4 black stripes extending backward; lateral margin, basal angle and basal margin with black markings. Black patterns on scutellum as in fig. 26. Puncturatio'n of corium sparse, with smooth space in between some punctures, hairs short, not overlapping each other in the same row. Color patterns of corium as in fig. 26, the contrast between the dark pattern and the ground color rather strong. Venter completely yellow. Vesica (figs. 1-5) with spicule long, rod-like, straight, having a large, somewhat rectangular base; large sclerotized lobe with its lateral appendage large and quadrate.Body length♂ 5.7-6.0 mm, 55.4-5.9 mm; width♂2.55-2.65 mm, 8 2.5-2.7 mm: Vertex width: eye width = 1.2: 1 (♂), 1.4: 1 (♀). Rostrum length ♂ 2.17mm, ♀ 2-1 mm. Corium hairs length 40-50 μm.Holotype ♂, Xizang ( = Tibet): Jilong, Z9°N, 85°20'E, 30. Ⅷ. 1984. Paratypes 2♂♂ 3♀♀, same locality as holotype.Pubescence, puncturation and general habitus close to L, punctatus (Zett.), but body smaller and narrower, corium color pattern different, with stronger contrast, ground color somewhat more greenish, spicule and large sclerotized lobe of vesica differently shaped.Lygus paradiscrepans sp. nov. (figs. 18-25, 29)Body yellow or yellowish green, shiny- Very closely allied to L. discrepans Reuter in habitus, color pattern, with the same characteristic recumbent, dense, sericeous, differently oriented and mottled pubescence. Differs in: Vertex smooth and shiny, without parallelly arranged transverse striae or grooves. Body smaller, coloration somewhat brighter. Clavus with inner half entirely black. Venter yellow (in discrepans♂ vender black centrally, ♀ black at extreme base). Legs yellow, without black markings except 2 subapical r'ings. Rostrum length different, not overlapping with those of discrepans (2.31-2.45 mm in discrepans). Spicule(fig- 20) much shorter, attenuated, pointed at apex. Large sclerotized lobe with inner margin extensively sclerotized and darkened. 9 sclerotized ring as in fig. 29.Body length♂ 5.4-6.1 mm, ♀ 5.3-6.5 mm; width ♂2.3-2-7 mm, ♀2.4-2.7 mm. Vertex width: eye width = 1.3: 1 (♂), 1.4: 1 (♀). Rostrum length ♂1.96-2.13 mm,♀1.96-2.17 mm. Corium hairs length 50-55 μm.Holotype ♂, Sichuan: Jingchuan, 31°30'N, 102°E, alt- 2000-2300 m, 7. IX. 1963, L. Y. Zheng leg. Paratypes 3♂1♀, Kansu (Kang-xian, 33°10'N, 105°30'E, Tian-shui 34°40'N, 105°55'E, Dun-huang 40°10'N, 94°45'E); 7♂♂ 12♀♀, Sichuan (30-31°40'N,101-104°E:Xiao-jin, Jin-chuan, Mao-wen, Li-xiang, Dan-ba, Ya-jiang); 7♂♂ 5♀♀ Yunnan (Mt. Yulong 27°15'N, 100°E); 3♀♀, Xizang ( = Tibec) (Jilong 29°N, 85°20'E).Lygus tibetanus sp. nov. (figs. 27-28,30-36)Broadly oval, tannish brown or dull brown, with blackish brown markings. Head dull, not shiny, with 3 black longitudinal stripes, the median one broad, percurrent, vertex with parallel rows of striae or grooves. Antennae 1 ventrally black, Ⅱ black at both apices, Ⅲ & Ⅳ black. Pronotum with punctures dense and deep, hairs long and dense, somewhat semi-erect, calli completely black, color pattern (fig. 27) same as the typical form of L. gemellatus f. ge-mellatus. Scutellum with large W-shaped black pattern, hairs long. Corium punctures very dense, without smooth space in between them, pubescence long, hairs in the same row overlapping each other, dense, recumbent, somewhat sericeous, differently oriented and mottled in appearance. Inner half of clavus black, dark markings on corium extensive, irregular and anastoma-tically connected (fig. 27). Cuneus comparatively broad and short, ap
作者 郑乐怡 于超
机构地区 南开大学生物系
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1992年第3期352-359,共8页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 半翅目 盲蝽科 草盲蝽属 新种 Hemiptera Lygus (s. str.) Hahn Miridae new species
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  • 1Hsiao T Y,Iowa State College Jour Sci,1942年,16卷,2期,263页











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