记述了采集于四川省酉阳县的链胃科、杜拉属Drawida蚯蚓一新种,双斑杜拉蚓Drawida bimaculata sp.nov.和在四川省汉源县采到的棘蚓科,毛蚓属Plutellus蚯蚓一新种,汉源毛蚓Plutellus hanyuangensis sp.nov.。毛蚓属是我国首次记录。
The present paper reports a new species of Drawida and a new one of Pluiellus from Sichuan, China. The genus Plutellus is recorded from China for the first time. The specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Sichuan University.Drawida bimaculata sp. nov. (fig. 1, 1-4)Length 87-119 mm, diameter 4.5-5.0 mm, segments 174-212 (holotype: L. 115 mm, D. 5.0 mm, Segs. 185). Clitellum in X-XⅢ. Genital markings, circular, usually on Ⅶ, Ⅷ and X, not elevated from body surface, each with a circular translucent area and a central pore, Other markings, about 1 mm in diameter, occuring in some specimens, are elevated from body surface and located on lateral of body. Spermathecal pores, 7/8, in b line. Male pores, on X ventrally, slightly lacero-ectaliar line of b, near to 10/11 intersegMental furrow. Porophores bun-like, not protruded from the body skin, present a large tranlucent glandular area.Gizzards, 3, in XⅡ-XⅣ. Testis sacs kidney-shaped or ovoid. Vas deferens, 7.0-7.5 mm in length, passes into prostate directly. Prostates pyiform and erect. Spermathecal ampulla elliptical or round, 1.2-1.5 mm long, 1.0 mm broid or 1.0-1.2 mm in diameter. Its duct 4+5-6.0 mm in length, conducts the atrium near the ectal end. Spermathecal atrium, finger-shaped, 1.3-1.8 mm in length, 0.3mm in diameter.Holotype Youyang no. 19-3, Youyang Couity, 28°51 N, 108°46 E, 670m, collected on April 26, 1982. Paratype: Youyang no. 19 (adult 10, juvenles 7); Youyang no. 20 (adult 1); Youyang no. 21 (adult 1); Youyang no. 22 (adNlt 2, juvenles 5); Youyang no. 26 (adult 1), Youyang County, alt. 670-830 mm, collected on April 26, 1982.The new species differs from Drawide rahami in 1) Spermathecal pores in 7/8, in b line; 2) porophores not elevated from body surface, with a large, translucent, bun-like g'an-dular area and 3) prostates pyriform and erect. This species also differs from Drawida Japonica by the vas deferens which does not pass into parietes.Plutellus hanyuangensis sp. nov. (fig. 2,1-4)Length 22-29 mm, diameter 0.8-1.0 mm, segments 50-76 (holotype: L. 26 mm, D. 0.8 mm, Segs. 67). Clitellum in 1/2 XⅢ-1/2 or 1/3 XⅧ, saddle-shaped. Dorsal pores lacking.Spermathecal pores two pairs, superfical, small transverse slites, in line of c, on posterior portion of Ⅶ andⅧ , close to intersegmental fu row. Male pores, in XⅧ, at b, in a cincular porophore, diameter about 0.25 mm.Gizzard absent. Intestinal origin in XⅣ. Hearts in XⅠ, XⅡ. Holandric. Seminal vesicle one pair, in XII. Penial setae 0.30-0.32 mm long, 0.012 mm thick, tip pointed, ornamented ectally by a row of small teeth. Spermathecal ampulla elliptic or spherical, diverticulum spheroidal and sessile, just below ampulla.Holotype: Hanyuan no. 1-3, Hanyuan County, 29°21'N, 102°43'E, collected on June 5, 1979. Paratype: Hanyuan no, 1 adult 12, Juveales 2, same data as holotype.This new species differs from Plutellus macer Gates, 1955 by having one pair of seminal vesicles in XⅡ and penial setae ornamented with small teeth.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Oligochaeta Moniligastridae Acanthodrilidae Drawida Plutellus new species