以南宁至吴圩机场高速公路路面施工为例 ,针对公路混凝土路面施工设备三轴机存在着施工速度慢 ,路面平整度欠佳的特点 ,介绍选用滑模摊铺机以控制原材料的质量进行试验路段的铺设所采取对混凝土路面的强度、密实度、平整度、厚度、高程、宽度、边缘顺直度等一系列保证措施 。
The triaxial machine was used for the previous concrete pavement construction, which had the shortage of lower construction speed and worse road roughness. The paper here introduces the slipform concrete paver for quality control of the raw material. This kind of paver is used in the test section, and at the same time the measures is taken for ensuring the intension, density, roughness, thickness, elevation, width and brink straightness.Besides, the paper also states the repair measures for the existing quality problems on concrete pavement.
Guangxi Communication Science & Technology