本文记述了云南散白蚁属Reticulitermes(Holmgren)和钩歪白蚁属PseudocapritermesKemner四新种: 1.江城散白蚁Reticulitermes(Frontotermes)jiangchengensis新种; 2.短头散白蚁Peticulitermes(Planifrontotermes)curticeps新种; 3.平颠钩歪白蚁Pseudocapritermes Planimentus新种; 4.江城钩歪白蚁Pseudocapritermes jiangchengensis新种。
1. Reticulitermes (Frontotermes) jiangchengensis sp. nov. (Fig. 1:1-12) This new species is similiar to R. (F.) wuyishanennsis Li et Huang,
but differs its soldier as follows: sides of head-capsule constricted behind the socket of antennae; anterior margin of pronotum not strongly incurvcd; post-mentutn shorter. The new one can also be distinguished from R. (F.) gulinensis Gao et Ma bynew one's anterior margin of pronotum not strongly incurved and shorter tibiae of soldier; smaller head-capsule and shorter tibiae of imago.
Type locality:Hani-Yi Autonomous County of Jiangcheng, Yunnan, altitude 900m. Collected by Vang Bing, 1990. IV. 24, Spccimen No. 90VI24 1038.
2. Reliculitermes (Planifronlotermes) curticcps sp. nov. (Fig. II :1 -7)
The soldier of this nov. species differs from those of all other species of the genus Reticulitermcs in the short and wide head-capsule, short postmentum, sides of head-capsule constricted behind the socket of antennae.
Type locality:Luchun County, Yunnan, altitude 1270m. Collected by Zlui Shimo, 1982. V. 1 . Specimen No. 82V10257.
3. Pscudocapritcrmes planimentus sp. nov. (Fig. II:1-7)
The soldier of the new spcsics resembles that of P. tikadari Roonwal & Chhotani, but differs from it as follows: 1. left mandible longer than the right, and with a pointed and incurved hook (vs. left mandible a little shorter than the right or cither subcqual, the tip weakly bent inwards like a blunt hook); 2. posterior margin of pronotum with a median notch (vs. witliuot a median notch).
Type locality: Jianshci County, Yunnan, altitute 1150m. Collected by Sheng Farong, 1984. V. 23. Specimen No. 84V 23067.
4. Pseudocapritermes jiangchengensis sp. nov. (Fig. IV: 1-7) The soldier of the new species resembles that of Pseudocapritermes planimentus sp. nov., but differs it as follows. 1. head-capsule distinctly longer; 2. postmentum also longer. In P. tikadari Roonwal & Chhotani the tip of left mandible weakly bent inwards like a blunt hook, mandibles shorter, and the shape oi postmentum different. It can also be distingushed from P, sinensis Ping & Xu by different shape of postmentum.
Type locality. Hani-Yi Autanomus County oi Jiangcheng, Yunnan, altitude 920m. Collected by Zhu Shinin and Yang Bing, 1990. VII. 23. Specimen No. 90VII23171.
Reticulitermea, Pseudocapritermes, New species, Isoptera