通过分析印度宗教建筑的空间模式 ,阐述宗教信仰对于原始建筑艺术的影响 .印度宗教建筑是对佛教宇宙空间模式的象征表现 ,即称为“曼荼罗”的理想空间 .运用现代建筑理论的构图分析方法研究这种构图形式 ,可以发现这是一种具有超人的尺度与集中式的构图的纪念性建筑空间模式 .文中运用完型心理学对这种建筑现象加以分析 ,揭示印度人民集体无意识创造理想宗教空间的意向 ,并以此结论解释整个亚洲地区殊途同归的复合文化体系 。
This thesis analyses the space figure of religious architecture in India, and expatiated that religion belief has great effects on the primeval architecture arts. The religious architecture symbolizes the space figure of Buddhist perspectue on the universe, the so called ideal space 'Mandala'. By analyzing this figure with modern architecture figure theory, we could find out a kind of monumental architecture space mode, which has huge scale and concentrated composition. The thesis uses archetype concept to analyze this architectural phenomenon, explores that India created the ideal religious space in collective unconsciousness estate, and also explains the complex civilization system of whole Asia different in approach but equally satisfactory in result,in order to find the same Asian consanguinity of religious architecture against the same geographical background.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Natural Science Edition)